
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

why computer can't rename file with word "con" ?

The word "con" , you can't use it to rename file or any folder .... why ??
The word "con" is not the only one that the computer can not rename files of them, there are many words that the computer can not rename files, such as:


The real reason behind the piece is that these words are reserved by the system.
Did not understand correctly, I will explain to you:
If you want to create your own email, example Computer@gmail.com, name "Computer" reserved by someone else, means the company database that gives you email had booked this name to someone and you can't reserve this name to you .
 This What is happening in computer word con reserved by the system and system does not allow you to name the files.

If can not rename any file word "con" ?
No .. you can rename a file with word "con" .. across the following :
open "Run", then type "cmd" .
after you open a black screen write this matter :
md \\.\\C:\con
Now go to the C disk and you will fine a file named with "con"

To delete the file by typing the following command
rd/s \\.\\C:\con
you will be asked to write Y to confirm the deletion or N to cancel , click on Y
The file will be deleted from the disk c

If you have any questions , write it down ....

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